Safety Comes First

We believe that football is the best sport in the world to build character, strength, and camaraderie. This is why we work so hard to keep our athletes safe now and for their future.

Football Safety

Updated for 2024 Season

  • Technique

    Football is a game of inches; A game of seconds. In split second decision making, the forms we learn at practice are going to dictate what we do in a game. This is why we have our coaches use USA Football teaching techniques with our donut bags, and reinforce proper tackling techniques. Ensuring head safety in every drill we do.

  • Technology

    Technology is not what it used to be. Technology has allowed us to ensure there is a failsafe for players in case of head contact. We currently use Xenith helmets, which are inspected each and every year for safety compliance and standards. We purchase new helmets in advance of any standard bodies requirements and coaches are trained on how to properly fit head protection.

  • Trained Professionals

    From a bump to a bruise, the Greater Eastside Football League mandates that certified Athletic Trainers are present at all games. These trainers are allowed to make decisions on behalf of player safety, and can act as the main health authority on the field on behald of our athletes. For past season, we have been extremely thankful for Proliance Orthopefics and Sports, and Vida Health, for providing us with these fantastic professionals at no cost to our club. THANK YOU!

USA Football for Parents

We believe in the implementation going forward with the USA Football Development Model. Currently our program practices Senior Tackle Football. We work hard to reduce head contact in all aspects of the game. We are always looking to reduce contact, while we remain a traditional 11 man league.